Sunday, May 5, 2013

And a life meditation...

Now that my ears have stopped ringing (well, almost) from the lawn mowing, and I've had a nice meditation, here's an update on my school/work plans (see "I've Decided")...
I may not be working for the Alaska Alternate Assessment project after all. I've offered my resignation, and Monday at 2:45 meet with my boss to see if any alternative exists in which I might continue working with him. Our relationship has been testy lately, and went to hell on Friday, and thus... I have offered to resign.

I went back to my Excel Life Plan, and, with very careful budgeting, I will be fine, even if I am completely unemployed and only a full time student. 

Come to think of it, I have never in my adult life been ONLY a full time student; I have always worked and gone to school. I started working at 16, a Junior in High School, and haven't stopped since, often working much more than full time while going to school. Not easy. I wonder what it would be like to have that much time and brain power available for schoolwork. This line of thinking does not bode well for my boss. This line of thinking tips the balance scale toward "Full Unemployment is a Great Idea" and away from the fear response of "Full Unemployment Should Be Avoided at All Costs."

David used to implement the "Austerity Plan" when we were married (much PTSD over that, but that's not my point here), and actually, I live fairly austerely. I don't buy new clothes (I'm losing weight and almost ready to open up boxes of great clothes I used to fit, so that will be like a new wardrobe), I don't upgrade my electronics every time a new version is offered, I don't eat out, or go to concerts (except when I picnic outside the Cuthbert and catch my favorites for free). I do save up to travel, and I try to help Jake and Sara out when I can. But I live well within my means. 

So an Austerity Plan for me would look like this: Build a cabin on the bottom part of my property and move into it (less than $8000, and Jerry said he would be happy to do this with me - read: Jerry is a retired contractor, and willing to help me with this scheme - er, project). Rent my whole house out, furnished, as an Executive Home Rental, for enough to cover the mortgage and minor repairs. I enjoy my house, but will really enjoy it if it pays for itself. I meet with my accountant Tuesday to see how much of future improvements could be tax deductible. I think all of them. So that saves money, too. In fact, whether I am employed or not, the Build A Cabin/Rent The House plan will be implemented.

So, Monday at about 3:00'ish, I'll have a better idea of my employment status next year. I am oddly at peace with all possible outcomes. Is this what the Buddhists mean by "Let go of desire"?

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