Monday, May 13, 2013

COAST yes...

Sidney left this morning after nearly a week of very hard, very productive work on our Human Subjects Research approval application. Sort of like writing a dissertation proposal (essentially all the same topic areas), but you only get three pages. So we first wrote the big application (more than 10 pages), and then carefully, surgically, cut out all but the essential pieces. 

Next step: Complete all the related documents (parent permission forms, informed consent forms, recruitment ads and telephone script, etc). I should have that done by Friday.

Then we send the whole kit to Dr. Eric Fombonne for editing. He has to obtain Human Subjects Research approval from Oregon Health & Science University before we can apply for UO approval. Once we have both institutions' approvals, we can start talking to parents! and collecting data!! and writing up our results!!!

ho boy, I am pretty excited to get to this next phase. One step closer to publishing the COAST and having it used in schools. 


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