Sunday, February 10, 2013

Today is the first day . . .

of the rest of my life!  

And it was a day completely devoid of LSAT studying. I have packed up my study books for delivery to goodwill, thrown away all my practice tests, and cleared my browser history of all LSAT-related history. Though a note of gratitude is due to Steve Schwartz who runs a most amazing prep blog. The combination of this site and the Princeton Review workbook were powerful for me. We'll see on or about March 6 if the power translated into a not-embarrassing score.

So, how did I fill my day? I did have two early morning meetings with students who are doing some independent study classes with me. Though these meetings are clearly "work" (part of my UO job), they don't feel like work– we sit around a big table at a coffee shop and discuss big ideas around school improvement, student learning, and effective teaching. After the meetings, the dogs and I went for a lovely romp along the river, and spent a while at the dogpark

Then I spent several hours in my forest. My neighbor wondered if I wouldn't mind if he cut up several downed trees for firewood. I agreed, if he didn't mind leaving about 20% for me. He thought that was very fair. 

Then we got to talking about the amazing job the goats have done on the blackberries, poison oak, and other annoying brush. I was noticing that the goats were maybe eating down to the nubs, and could do with a bit more food. So I offered them to James the neighbor. He jumped at the offer...

So the goats and I took a short walk down the country lane to James' house, into the pasture/blackberry jungle, where I left them happily munching along. 

Another hour playing with the dogs, a little grooming (doggy pedicures especially), and it was getting dark.

I think I'll soak in the tub with a glass of wine at the side, and then call it a day. I'll call it "A Great Day."


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