Friday, February 1, 2013

By George, I think she's got it!

I've been prepping for the LSAT on February 9. I took it last year to see what it was like, unprepared, and got about the score I thought I would get. My score was possibly high enough to get into the UO, but possibly not. And even so, it was a bit embarrassing. 

So, I'll try again, but this time I am preparing. Especially in the area I tanked Analytic Reasoning. I can do these problems, given unlimited time. The LSAT does not give unlimited time.
I'm finally starting to get the hang of this section (also called Logic Games). These are the problems where you have a whole set of things (5 mammals and 3 birds) which must be placed in 5 cages at the zoo. And rules (Parrots always have to go with otters), and then questions like: In which cage must the giraffe be housed? The key is in drawing the right picture up front and then deducing any clues not spelled out. Just now getting to where my picture and clues deductions are quick and accurate (usually). By Tuesday, I think I'll actually think of them as "Games" and not "Torture."

I've been reading that 160 is the brass ring of the LSAT. I don't have that far to go to snag the ring, and a significantly better showing in this one section would do it.  

Wish me luck!  Or at least wish me clarity and speed...


Suzy Harris said...

I know you can do this!

kim said...

Hi Suzy! Thanks for the vote of confidence... just today I hit a breakthrough, and now I think I'll actually do okay on these. I've been studying 2 to 3 hours a night, a variety of books and online resources designed to teach how to do these "games." Just tonight, I did 4 practice tests and only missed 3 out of 22. It took too long (well over the 35 minutes), but I think this is very promising! Before today, I was taking the same amount of time and getting the wrong answers.

I just need to do somewhat better than last year (for my own ego, plus for a better chance of acceptance). Today, I think I will do somewhat better on Saturday.
