Tuesday, December 8, 2009



The four noble truths

of an ancient belief

are mirrored in

one from mine:

Thou shalt let go of desire.

Dreams of the future

are only a shadowed hope

in the light of now.
Let go of desire.

The ancient truth

of a fictional belief

daily lived by

a child of mine:
Fear is the Mind-killer.

Caution holds me still

Regrets and desperate fear –

Stride forth anyway...

Fear is the mind-killer.

The inner truth

of a hard-won belief –
to hold back wrongful

actions of mine:
Love must be a warming fire.

Like a golden light

arising from within us,

love flows around me
Love is a warming fire.

The final truth

of my heart’s belief,
my daughter’s voice

at one with mine:

Love is the soul-healer.

Love grows in safety,

in peaceful comfort mellows

to gentle balance;
Love is the soul-healer.

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