Tuesday, April 22, 2014

One down. Three more to go...

I am done with my first year of law school!! Since I am on the part-time plan, I have three more to go. Most of my colleagues have only two years left. Except the poor misguided souls who have opted to also get an MBA while pursuing a JD.  They also have three more years. But, who needs all those letters after their name, anyway?  

Oh, wait. Pot.. meet the kettle. Kettle... Pot. 

Anyway, this has been without a doubt the busiest, most engaging, most stimulating most exhausting year of my life! 

Give me more of that, please! Well, maybe I don't have to be QUITE so busy... 

Grades come out in the middle of June. I am not going to think about that. I have already earned what I earned, worrying won't change it. And there is too much other stuff to do, now that finals are over. The biggest things on my plate now are a Planning Meeting in Juneau Thursday and Friday where we will set the scope and sequence of our work with the Alaska Alternate Assessment. And ANY DAY NOW, we will hear from OHSU that we have been granted Human Subjects Approval for our autism research. 

Those two big "To Do's" are added to the normal farm clean up and management, puppy training, dog shows, a little travel for fun, and continued work to ready the "Big House" for rent. 

Summer will be spectacular!

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