Wednesday, January 1, 2014

To Infinity ... and BEYOND!

Wait, what? How can it possibly be 2014 already? And paradoxically, how can it only be January 1?

Isn't that the way life goes, nowadays? ZOOM a year is gone. FLASH it will be June 1 any second now... and yet the sum of my years seem long and slowly measured. 

The first half of 2014 will see many dreams fulfilled:

(1) Sidney and I will have collected all our COAST data and analyzed it by June 1;

(2) I will have completed building my Tiny Cabin and will have rented out my house to a family by April 1;

(3) I will have completed my first year of law school by April 23;

(4) I will have completed the print-ready draft of my "Greeting Book" (like a hallmark card, but longer, and book-like) by March 31.

What will I do for the second half of 2014? Rest on my laurels... Nah, I'll find something interesting to fill my time and keep me out of trouble!

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