Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Moving on

Sara and I switched our cell phone service on Friday, from ATT to Verizon (but our cell numbers are the same as before).

We used to be on Verizon, until Dave got the iPhone a year before our divorce. ATT is an inferior service provider, but because he switched, I was stuck with ATT until this past August, when the two-year contract finally ended. ATT has zero service at my house. Verizon has full service.

So we switched. And upgraded our phones. Sara has the Envy, a touch-screen beauty with a flip top and good sized keyboard, and beautiful resolution. I upgraded to the Blackberry, a smart-phone which receives email and internet. It's not the iPhone, but a very good second. And President Obama has a Blackberry. There are rumors that Verizon may sign a deal with Apple to carry the iPhone, so I can wait.

It is a small thing, choosing my own cell service and getting cool phones, but it is one more step away from my past. And now, when I am chain-sawing, I can call 9-1-1 from any corner of my property.

Moving On

Each step
each decision
each change in my life
takes me further away
from who I was.

Further from anger
and resentment
and blame.

Toward a deeper understanding
of my purpose and my path
of my values and my self.

October 27, 2009

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